Consultant colorectal surgeon
Colorectal Unit
Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
Contact details
- NHS Clinical Secretary: 0131 537 2388
Appointments and Activities
He is a clinical academic colorectal surgeon with a focus on clinical management, surgery and research to best understand, treat and prevent colorectal disease.
He has an active grant portfolio and a strong laboratory research programme focused around the ultimate aim of reducing mortality from large bowel cancer through early detection and prevention. He has a major interest in elucidating the genetic basis of large bowel cancer and applying genetic information to prevent the disease as well as to understand disease causation. His team and his collaborators have been highly successful in identifying genes and genetic risk factors predisposing to colorectal cancer. The ultimate aim is to understand disease causation and apply genetic information to prevention.
He has held Cancer Research UK and MRC Programmatic funding for over 20 years, and he is a Group Leader in the MRC Human Genetics Unit.
- Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB ChB), University of Edinburgh, 1982
- Fellow Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS), Edinburgh, 1986
- Doctor of Medicine (MD), Edinburgh, 1991
- Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences (FMedSci), 2005
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (FRSE) 2008
Current grant portofolio
Cancer Research UK Programme Grant - Integrative genomics in colorectal cancer susceptibility: developing risk reducing interventions through understanding biology.
- Principal investigator - £3,069,849 for 5 yrs from 1/1/16
- MRC Human Genetics Unit - Centre Grant U127527202
- Project Leader - £562k over 5 years. Start date - 1/4/2018
- Cancer Research UK Accelerator Award – ACrCelerate: a colorectal cancer preclinical modelling platform.
- Co-Investigator. £141K (PhD stipend and £48K lab costs)
- Cancer Research UK Early Detection Committee – Project Grant: Multiplex methylation analysis of cell-free DNA for early cancer diagnosis.
- Co-Investigator
Committee Memberships
Medical Research Council
- Non-Clinical Career Development and Senior Non-Clinical Fellowships Panel
- Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Cancer Research Centre Governance Board
- MRC Molecular and Cellular Medicine Board
- CRUK Experimental Medicine Expert Review Panel
- Academy of Medical Sciences Research Careers Committee
- Cancer Research UK Clinical Fellowships Board
- Scottish Government Biomedical and Therapeutics Research Committee
- Scientific Advisory Committee of the Melville Trust for the Care and Cure of Cancer
- TENOVUS Scientific Advisory Committee
National Guideline Development Committees
- British Society of Gastroenterology IBD Surgery Guidelines Committee
- British Society of Gastroenterology High Risk Genetics Guidelines Committee
- Association of Coloproctology of GB & I National IBD Surgery Guidelines Committee
- Association of Coloproctology of GB & I IBD National Clinical Advisory Group
Evidence for recognition of esteem
- Elected Fellow Academy of Medical Sciences - July 2005
- Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh – May 2008
- Chancellor’s Award – The University of Edinburgh - October 2008
- Canadian Association of General Surgeons Bernard Langer Visiting Professorship - 2011
- Scottish Cancer Foundation Prize - 2017 (£10,000)
- Evans-Forrest Medal Awarded November 2017
- Goligher Medal – Association of Colproctology of GB & I - Awarded July 2018
Numerous Plenary Lectureships at major National/International Conferences – Examples from last 12months – NCRI National Conference, Association of Association of Colproctology of GB & I Conference
Grant reviewer
- Board member - UK MRC Molecular and Cellular Medicine Board
- Cancer Research UK
- Academy of Medical Sciences
- National Institutes of Health of USA
- Chief Scientist’s Office of Scottish Government
Dutch Cancer Society
Manuscript reviewer
- Nature
- Nature Genetics
- Nature Medicine
- New England Journal of Medicine
- Lancet
- British Medical Journal
- American Journal of Human Genetics
- European Journal of Human Genetics
- Carcinogenesis
- Journal of National Cancer Institute (USA)
- Cancer Research
- Gut
- British Journal of Surgery
- British Journal of Cancer (formerly Editorial Board)
He has 282 publications with 26,277 citations through career, 10,215 citations through last 5 years, and 960 mean citations for top 10 cited papers. His current H-Index is 77.