ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery)

ERAS is a treatment programme which allows patients to recover better and quicker following a planned (or elective) operation.

What is ERAS?

ERAS is short for Enhanced Recovery After Surgery. ERAS is a treatment programme based on the best available medical science. It has been around for many years and allows patients to recover better and quicker following a planned (or elective) operation.


Why use ERAS?

Numerous research reports have shown that following the ERAS programme as opposed to a more traditional care pathway will have positive effects on recovery. In many operations, recovery time can be shortened by 30% or more and complication rates after the operation by at least as much. The could mean a shorter stay in hospital, especially if your operation is being done laparoscopically (or keyhole).


What does ERAS look like for the patient?

You will be given a patient information brochure that explains what happens to a patient undergoing an operation under ERAS care. You will also meet the ERAS nurse who will guide you through your stay in hospital and will check on your progress once you get home. The key aspects of ERAS is that you will be encouraged to get out of bed and walk much more quickly than before. Any drips and tubes will be removed sooner so you can move around more easily. You will be offered food and drink sooner and encouraged to be as independent as possible. We will encourage you to get dressed as soon as possible after your operation and you will be able to go home as soon as you feel ready and the clinical team are happy with your progress. This can often be several days sooner than before but depends entirely on how you are recovering.


What makes ERAS work so well?

The ERAS care pathway has been developed by a team of the key professionals involved such as surgeons, anaesthetist, nurses, dietitians, physiotherapists and others. This team of professional are all very aware of ERAS and will ensure you are receiving the best possible care before, during and after your operation. 


If you want ot know more about ERAS or have questions, please countact ERAS Research Nurse Angie Balfour (Mon-Fri 07:30-15:30, Emale: OR Tel: 07896293201