Medals won and presentations at School for Surgery 2020

Peter Vaughan-Shaw and Nick Ventham won medals at the School of Surgery: November 2020

Peter Vaughan-Shaw and Nick Ventham, our Specialist Registrars, were awarded Fearon and MacLeod Medal respectively.  Felicity Creamer, another Specialist Registrar and Adam Gerrard, a research Fellow to Prof. Dunlop and Miss Din, also presented their work at the recent School of Surgery, 20 November 2020. 


Professor Fearon Medal

Peter Vaughan-Shaw 'Low plasma vitamin D is associated with adverse colorectal cancer survival after surgical resection independent of systemic inflammatory response.'


MacLeod Medal

Nick Ventham 'Genome-wide methylation association study of Crohn's disease: epigenetic analysis of the TOPICC randomised controlled trial.'


Other presentations

Felicity Creamer 'Long-term incidence of colorectal cancer following acute diverticlutis.'

Adam Gerrard 'Repeated quantitative faecal immunochemical testing: correlation, discordance and an increased achievement of diagnostic yield.'