Professor O James Garden

Professor Garden's main interests are surgical education and training.

Professor O James Garden

Professor Emeritus

Contact details



Appointments and Activities


Professor Garden retired from clinical practice and the Regius Chair of Clinical Surgery in July 2018.

Currently he remains:

  • Programme Director PgCert Programme Surgical Writing and Evidence Based Practice as a collaboration with the BJS Foundation.
  • President, James IV Association of Surgeons (2021-2024)
  • Chairman, Melville Trust for the Care and Cure of Cancer (2019 to present) 


Professor Garden was appointed as Clinical Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Surgeon at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh in October 1988, to a Personal Chair in Hepatobiliary Surgery in 1997 and the Regius Chair of Clinical Surgery in 2000. He served as Dean International, Global Community from 2016 until 2021. He stood down as Director of Edinburgh Surgery Online in September 2022.

His other previous appointments activities include:

  • Chairman, Edinburgh World Heritage Trust (2019-2024)
  • Member of editorial boards of Annals of Surgery, Surgery, American Journal of Surgery, Journal of the American College of Surgeons, Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery (1999-2020)
  • Chairman of the British Journal of Surgery Society Limited (2012-19)
  • Surgeon to the Queen in Scotland (2004-18)
  • Editor-in-Chief, HPB (2008-2018)
  • Member of Council of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (2004-14)
  • President, IHPBA (July 2012-14)
  • Honorary Secretary of the James IV Association of Surgeons 
  • Head of the School of Clinical Sciences and Community Health
  • Director of the Transplant Unit
  • President of the Association of Upper GI Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland
  • Chairman of Programme Committee of the European Surgical Association
  • Associate Editor of the World Journal of Surgery
  • Chairman of the Seventh World Congress of International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (IHPBA) (2006)
  • Chairman of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) Quincentenray (Congress 2005)


Prof O. James Garden, CBE, BSc, MB, ChB, MD, DSc (hon), FRCSEd, FRCPEd, FRSE, FRCSCan (hon), FACS (hon), FRCS (hon), FCSHK (hon), FRCSI (hon).

Professor Garden graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1977 and undertook his postgraduate surgical training in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Paris from 1978 to 1988. This included a year as Chef de Clinique in the unit of Professor Henri Bismuth in Hospital Paul Brousse, Paris to train in hepatobiliary and liver transplant surgery before establishing the specialist hepatobiliary and liver transplant programme in Edinburgh. His election as Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and as Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE, 2014) is in recognition of his contribution to the development of academic surgery in Edinburgh, specialist liver, pancreatic and biliary surgery as well as surgical education. The online surgical learning programmes secured the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education for the University of Edinburgh in 2013.

Awards and Distinctions

Professor Garden has been the recipient of numerous awards and distinctions:

  • Honorary Member, BJS Foundation 2024
  • Honorary Member, Japanese Hepato-Biliary and Pancreatic Society, 2019
  • Charles FM Saint Lecture, Association of Surgeons of South Africa, Cape Town, 2019
  • Visiting Professor, University of Alabama at Birmingham and University of Texas, Southwestern, 2018
  • Visiting Professor, Sansum Clinic, Santa Barbara, 2018
  • Honorary Member of the British Association of Surgical Oncologists, 2016
  • Geoff Oates Award, British Association of Surgical Oncology, 2016
  • Prof Antoni Jurasz Lectureship, Polish Medical School, 2016
  • GB Ong Lecture, College of Surgeons of Hong Kong, 2015
  • Bernard Langer Lecture, Canadian Surgical Forum, Quebec, 2015
  • Henry Swan Visiting Professorship, University of Colorado, 2015
  • BJS Society Lecturer, Swedish Surgical Society, 2014
  • BJS Society Lecturer, Japanese Surgical Association, May 2014
  • SSAT Frank and Marja Moody Lecturer, Orlando, May 2013
  • St Louis. Rose & Samuel Pollock Visiting Professor, May 2013
  • Bookout Lecturer at Methodist Hospital, Houston Texas, May 2012
  • 13th Massachusetts General Hospital and Johns Hopkins Visiting Professor, April 2012
  • Chancellor’s Award for Teaching, University of Edinburgh, 2010
  • Capper-Hermanson Visiting Professor, Harvard Medical School, 2008
  • Honorary Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (FRACS), 2007
  • Kergin Lectureship, University of Toronto, 2006
  • Melrose Lecture, Glasgow Gastroenterology Club, 2006
  • British Journal of Surgery (BJS) lecturer, Swiss Surgical Society, 2006
  • Rutherford Morison Lecturer, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 2005
  • Frank Penman Visiting Professor, University of Cape Town, 2004
  • Wilson TS Wang Visiting Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002
  • Ernest Miles Medal, British Association of Surgical Oncology, 2001
  • Foundation Visitor, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, 2001
  • Macewen Lecturer, Royal College of Physician and Surgeons of Glasgow (RCPSGlas), 2000
  • Honorary Member, South African Gastroenterology Society, 2000
  • Honorary member of the Society for Clinical Surgery
  • Honorary member the German Surgical Society
  • Honorary member of the New Zealand Association of Surgeons
  • Honorary member of the British Columbia Society of Surgeons
  • Honorary member of the Eastern Surgical Society
  • Honorary member of the North Pacific Surgical Association
  • Honorary member of the American Surgical Association
  • Honorary member of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
  • Honorary member of the Japenese HPB Society


A list of Professor Garden’s publications can be found by clicking here.