Heather Ellis

Dr Ellis, Senior Lecturer, is Deputy Programme Director and Academic Cohort Lead: Opthalmology for the MSc in Primary Care Ophthalmology and the ChM (Master of Surgery) in Clinical Ophthalmology, two online distance learning postgraduate degree programmes developed in partnership between The University of Edinburgh, the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and NHS Education for Scotland. Applications for both programmes are open for September entry. Scholarships are available.

Dr Heather Ellis

Deputy Programme Director for MSc Primary Care Ophthalmology and ChM Clinical Ophthalmology

  • Clinical Surgery

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Heather Ellis, BA, MA(Hons), PhD, SFHEA, Senior Lecturer, who co-founded the Opthalmology Masters programmes, is Course Organiser, Deputy Programme Director and Academic Cohort Lead at the University of Edinburgh for two postgraduate taught Masters programmes in Ophthalmology which are delivered by online learning.  These are the ChM (Master of Surgery) in Clinical Ophthalmology (SCQF Level 12) for ophthalmic specialist trainees and independently practising ophthalmologists; and the interprofessional MSc in Primary Care Ophthalmology (SCQF Level 11) designed for optometrists, trainee medics and surgeons, GPs with a Special Interest in Ophthalmology, GPST trainees, ophthalmic nurses, orthoptists, dispensing opticians and ophthalmic science practitioners.  She is also a co-founder of these Masters programmes which were developed in a unique partnership between The University of Edinburgh, The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and NHS Education for Scotland’s (NES) Optometry Directorate.  They are designed to support learning for the Fellowship examinations in Ophthalmology of the RCSEd and The Royal College of Ophthalmologists. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA).

Heather holds a doctorate (PhD) and MA(Hons) in psychology from the University of Aberdeen and formerly taught psychology undergraduates at the Universities of Aberdeen and Edinburgh.  For her PhD, she designed and conducted novel experimental research into memory for faces and the reliability of eyewitness identification evidence.

Heather also holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Health Economics from the University of Aberdeen and a BA in German and Russian from the University of Strathclyde.


  • Deanery of Clinical Sciences Board of Studies, Edinburgh Medical School, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, University of Edinburgh