Rachael Forsythe

Miss Forsythe treats diseases of the arteries and veins and practises in all areas of vascular surgery, with a particular interest in abdominal aortic aneurysm disease, peripheral artery disease and superficial venous disease. She has a keen academic interest and is particularly intrigued by novel imaging techniques to better assess arterial disease.

Rachael Forsythe

Consultant Vascular Surgeon and Honorary Senior Lecturer

Contact details


Appointments and Activities

After training in Edinburgh, Bristol and London, Miss Forsythe was appointed as a consultant vascular surgeon in the Edinburgh Vascular Unit in 2022. 

Current Posts and Activities

  • Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
  • Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh
  • Associate Editor: BJS/BJS Open
  • E-Tutor, ChM Vascular & Endovascular Surgery
  • Manuscript reviewer:  British Journal of Surgery, European Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery, JAMA Cardiology, Annals of Vascular Surgery, CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology, Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism
  • Co-supervisor for PhD student at University of Edinburgh - active research grant: British Heart Foundation Project Grant

 Past Posts and Activities

  • B Braun / RCSEd Travelling Fellowship to Houston Methodist 2022
  • Mini fellowship in advanced endovascular limb salvage, Leicester 2021
  • Speciality training in vascular surgery, Scotland 2017-2022
  • PhD fellowship, University of Edinburgh 2014-2017
  • Speciality training in General Surgery, South West London 2012-2014
  • Core Surgical Training, Severn Deanery / Honorary Clinical Research Fellow, University of Bristol 2010-2012
  • President, Rouleaux Club: UK Vascular Trainees’ Association 2021-2022
  • Executive Committee, Rouleaux Club 2017-2021
  • Honorary Clinical Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh 2014-2023
  • Executive Committee, Vascular Endovascular Research Network 2017-2022
  • Editor-at-Large, Audible Bleeding podcasts 2021-2022
  • RCSEd Vascular Surgery Speciality Board Trainee Rep 2018-2021
  • International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot PAD group secretary 2017-2019


  • Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons – FRCS(Vasc)                                       2021

Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)                                                                                                       2018

University of Edinburgh

  • Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS)                                                2011

Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

  • Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBChB)                                                                      2008

University of Edinburgh

Awards and Distinctions

  • Young Investigator Award                                                                                                2018

British Cardiovascular Imaging Meeting, Edinburgh                                                                  

  • Thomas J Fogarty Award                                                                                                    2017

Society for Vascular Surgery Young Surgeons Award, San Diego                

  • Best UK Abstract                                                                                                                     2017

Society for Cardiovascular CT, Washington DC

  • Centre for Cardiovascular Science Imaging Prize                                                 2017

University of Edinburgh CVS Symposium

  • Core Surgical Trainee of the Year (2010-2011)                                                        2011

Severn Deanery Postgraduate School of Surgery