Information for students

Welcome to the Vascular Surgical Unit. We receive specialist referrals from across Scotland. Each week the wards are covered at Consultant, Specialist Registrar and FY1 level.

Team Structure

We are six Consultant Surgeons, six Consultant Radiologists, six Registrars and five Foundation year 1 doctors. A team of dedicated nurses and administrative personnel complements us. We also have a specialist Vascular Laboratory staffed by four Vascular Scientists.


In addition to joining formal ward rounds, you will be able to shadow FY1s and gain first-hand experience of Vascular patient management on the unit. Ward rounds start at 8.15am on Ward 105 apart from Fridays when they start at 9.00am in the Ward 105 Teaching Room.

There will be opportunities for you to clerk and present patients as well as perform supervised ward based procedures such as venepuncture and venous cannulation.

Our MDT/X-ray meetings will allow you to gain insight into the management of Vascular Patients. They run on Tuesdays at 8.30am in the Radiology Seminar Room and Fridays at 8.30am in the Ward 105 Teaching Room.

At least one theatre list runs daily (principally Theatre 18 & 13). You are welcome to attend, please introduce yourself to theatre staff and check they are able to accommodate you on the day.

At least one outpatient clinic runs daily in Outpatient Department four (OPD4). You are welcome to attend, but please introduce yourself to clinic staff.

Endovascular lists run daily in the CardioVascular laboratories in Radiology. Please check with Radiology staff if you plan to attend.

We expect you to behave in a professional manner, as set out by the GMC. Please click here to see the guidelines. Please ensure patient information is not taken away from the Vascular unit.